
This course will help ensure the female's potential in sports is maximised. Although more women are partaking in sporting activities than previously, few are involved in other aspects of sports. For women and their communities to reap the full benefits of sports, the full potential of the female athlete must be realised not just when playing a sport but beyond this period of their lives. 


This course starts by giving an overview of the concepts of Gender Inequality and Diversity as linked to sports. It highlights some of the existing problems and sets the scene for the rest of the course.

Section 2

This section on 'Rising Above Female Challenges' in sports goes into detail about why these challenges exist and the roots of these challenges. In understanding the roots of the challenges, it is hoped that the participant will be better equipped to deal with the challenges. It also talks about the consequences of Gender Inequality and how it can be overcome in sports.

Section 3

This section discusses diversity in sports. it highlights the importance of diversity and the benefits associated with it. It also talks about what is needed to establish diversity in sporting settings. 

Section 4

Section 4 highlights the factors that limit female progression in sports and transition to other areas of sports. It discusses possible ways to overcome such limitations. By being aware of the limitations it is hoped that the student will find it easier to overcome such and ultimately, this will enable diversity to thrive within the sporting community.

Section 5

Section 5 discusses some of the strengths of the female athletes and how they can apply these strengths in the context of leadership.

Section 6

Section 6 highlights some of the other options and roles for females in the larger sporting community. It is largely task based with the student expected to draw on the knowledge gained from earlier sections to devise ways to overcome gender inequality in sports.

What will you learn
  • To Understand Gender Inequality in the Context of Sports

  • To Understand Why Diversity in Sports is Crucial

  • To Learn How To Maximise Your Potential In Sports

  • To Learn About Other Opportunities for Female in Sport

  • Sports Personnel Interested in Female Sports
  • Female Athletes over 18
  • Former Female Athletes Over 18
  • Coaches of Female Athletes


  • 22 Lessons
  • 00:00:00 Hours
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Why Does Gender Inequality Exist
  • Consequences of Gender Inequality
  • Gender Inequality in Sports
  • What Can Females in Sports Do to Address Gender Inequality
  • Task!!!
  • Introduction
  • What's the Solution to Gender Inequality in Sports
  • What are the Benefits of Diversity in Sports
  • Diversity Requirements
  • Task!!!
  • Introduction
  • Key Female Related Progressive Challenges in Sports
  • Causes of Female Limitations in Sports
  • Rising Above the Limitations
  • Introduction
  • The Role of Visible Possibilities
  • Female Strengths
  • Introduction
  • Task!!!
  • Course References

About Instructor

Name : FE Adeniji
Reviews : 11 Reviews
Student : 137 Students
Courses : 11 Courses


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Okolo Chiamaka marvelous - Thu, 25-Feb-2021

This foundation has done me more and so much good . I can't tell it all ,both in and outside sports. I'm really grateful

Gift Abraham - Wed, 17-Mar-2021

This course should be taken by everyone so as to maximize the abilities of our sisters, mothers, wives, girlfriends, aunties and friends.

Eze Esther Amarachi - Sat, 03-Apr-2021

Wesie sports academy has really helped many young players especially the upcoming ones. more grace and keep doing more work.

Popoola Titilayo - Thu, 06-May-2021


Coach tope is an excellent coach. I'm getting trained by him. Just after onecamp, I could see the difference in my is fun and a career

Risqut Ikupoliyi - Fri, 14-May-2021

For example, if you're a player that always likes to correct fellow team mates or have successfully played the role of captain, then you may find you have an interest in coaching that you can start to nurture.

Adebowale Ademiposi - Wed, 19-May-2021

Basketball is game of the mind,when you are good you are good,if your shooting is not entering then your passes and assist should be good,basketball is game of live .

My first ever encounter officiating as a referee was at your invitation to Bayelsa last year. Having longed for this kind of opportunity since 2017, I must say that this was an awesome experience.


Without any connection in the basketball refereeing field, I could hardly make any headway in acquiring the needed skills and expertise. Thanks for carrying me along and making me feel alive. May God continually bless WESIE and give you the strength to keep doing exploits.


I am utterly grateful for the existence of your organisation. During one of my training sessions, I applied the knowledge gotten from this WESIE International Coaching Training to coach my players. I also educated them about Drug Abuse/Misuse. I could tell that their hearts were filled with joy.


I have come to find out that lots of these young athletes only hear about this topic (drugs of abuse), but don't understand the dangers of most of these drugs. My athletes and I are very grateful for the opportunity to learn about this.
